Is it holding you back from helping your children with their school work?
Is that, in turn, holding your children back from being able to do Math at the level you wish they could?
You CAN change all of this.
You do not have to be afraid.
Being afraid of a spider, yes, that makes sense. I get that one.
I'm only afraid of a spider if it's coming towards me. Yes, I may scream a bit if it's large no matter what direction it's going, but anything close to me, coming at me, is scream-worthy. I hope you agree.
Numbers do not "come at" you. You can attack first. You have control!
(Sound too cheesy? Too bad!)
You have the power. Here are some things you should know:
1. You may have lost some skills. If you have not done math in a long time, then you have lost a lot of what you may have known. It's okay. If you don't use it, you lose it. The thing is, you can get it back.
2. You will need to work. Short cuts, shorter videos, less practice, sound too good to be true? Then you know it is. Be ready to pay attention and practice. You wouldn't go out and play in a competitive basketball game without practicing (I hope), so why do you think you can be good at other things without practice?
3. You will need to change your attitude. I know some of your parents and teachers (especially if you had me) told you that "Attitude Is Everything". (I had that banner in my classroom for 6 years.) If you say you can't do it, then you can't. Start telling yourself you can, but also do the work or that won't work either.
The Plan
Read the blogs, watch the videos, remember you can do math, and try, try and try again.
Here's a sample video. Just try it!
Here's how to find percentages faster.
Why am I doing this?
I realize I can't make everyone like math, but I do think I can make many realize they can do it.
So help me out! Let's change the world's Math attitude, one person at a time! :)
Seriously. Right now.
Check out the previous blog for beginners, and watch for the one about fractions (Coming soon!) so you can stop bad mouthing them. THANKS!
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